Recent Replies

@Miraz Spot on.

@Miraz For a government agency with ChromeOS, macOS and Windows (heck, some will even use Linux), ClownStrike is the only platform. Not a healthy thing. No one buys antivirus for ChromeOS BTW without an insurance company pushing them. If you want a single pane of glass, you have no choice.

@pratik @jsonbecker as Samuel Johnson famously said:

when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford

@jsonbecker I live in London and 0 plans, 0 clue what to do may as well be my motto. It's a big, diverse city that suits spontaneity @pratik (though the sights will be rammed with tourists). Use public transport to get around. Don't forget the Uber Boat river ferries and the driverless trains of the DLR in East London if you happen to be near the river or out east.

@odd @maique @pcora Whatever is doing the truncating of the longer posts is not respecting the encoding of the original. Seems like a bug for @manton to fix. The encoding is fine with untruncated posts.